Tuesday, June 17, 2008

El Dorados

So just one of the many reasons I love my husband is that he takes me to things like Surf Sunday at the Hotel Utah in San Francisco where I get to discover new (to me) surf bands. My new fav. is the El Dorados:


Anonymous said...

Fun! and a song from our childhood. Which western started with that song? Gunsmoke?

Searching Soul (a.k.a Darleen Pryds) said...

Oh, so glad you like them...it gives me incentive to post more clips of bands like Pollo del Mar, SurfCoasters, and oh, so many more!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't think I've ever seen myself mentioned in a blog before...at least so far as I'm aware...The Eldorados are flattered and honored to be on your site, and hopefully you'll come and see us again!
- Scotty C.(the guy on the left in the video)